About the ECT

The Ecological Continuity Trust was formed in 2008, as a direct response to the loss of long-term experiments (LTEs) throughout the UK. We support LTEs by providing much needed funds through our grants scheme and emergency repair funds. We have also established a network of key stakeholders that help champion LTEs and the valuable science they produce. Find out about our LTE User Group here.

Our vision is to develop a strategic network of long-term ecological experiments. This includes safeguarding existing high quality experiments and data, whilst also ensuring new facilities are planned for the long-term. The vision extends into then ensuring that experimental field ecology is at the heart of evidence-based policymaking and sustainable land use.

Meet the Team


Jerry Tallowin, Chair of Trustees

Jerry is an agricultural-ecologist and research fellow of Rothamsted Research. The main theme of Jerry's research has been the maintenance and restoration of grassland biodiversity in the UK and Europe. Listen to a podcast with Jerry on the ECT discussing our history, development and vision.


Ben Sykes MRSB, Executive Director

Ben is a biologist by training, also with a Masters in science communication. He spent 22 years working with the UK Research Councils (BBSRC), including six years as Executive Director of the UK National Stem Cell Network (UKNSCN).


Dr Robin Buxton FCIEEM, Honorary Secretary & Trustee

Robin works to build capacity and professionalism in conservation organisations. He has worked with Wild Oxfordshire, the Earth Trust and the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM).  

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Dr Danae Dodge MRSB, Communications Officer

Danae has a PhD in ancient DNA from the University of Sheffield. Prior to joining ECT, she was engaged in clerical work and worked at the British Science Festival in 2019. She has volunteered for numerous charities, conducting fundraising, public engagement and science communication activities, and continues to volunteer with the Royal Society of Biology at the London branch.


Prof Jonathan Silvertown, Trustee

Jonathan is a retired Professor of Evolutionary Ecology at the University of Edinburgh. His research specialism is plant population biology, covering a wide range of topics. Listen to a podcast interview with Jonathan following his talk at a BIFoR Annual Conference.

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Dr Carly Stevens, Trustee

Carly is a plant ecologist and soil biogeochemist at Lancaster University. She is interested in how global change is impacting on our environment, particularly the effects of atmospheric nitrogen deposition.


Prof Keith Goulding, Deputy Chair & Trustee

Keith is the Sustainable Soils Research Fellow at Rothamsted Research. His research guides policy on reducing the environmental impact of farming. He was recognised by the IPCC for his scientific contribution to the award of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize

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Dr Ali Birkett, Trustee

From her background in field research ecology, including a PhD in dung beetle biogeography, Ali now makes use of her fascination for all sciences as an Events Developer at outreach and education charity Edinburgh Science. She was previously a trustee of the British Ecological Society.


Dr Kadmiel Maseyk, Honorary Treasurer & Trustee

Kadmiel is a plant ecophysiologist and terrestrial biogeochemist at the Open University. His research focus is on coupled carbon and water cycles and ecosystem responses to environmental variability and change.


Prof Bridget Emmett, Trustee

Bridget is Head of the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology’s Bangor station in north Wales, and head of the Soils and Lands Use Science Area for CEH. Her research interests are focused on soil biogeochemical cycling and its implications for ecosystem structure and function.


Dr Ken Thompson, Trustee

Ken is a retired plant ecologist who spent most of his career at Sheffield University. For many years a senior editor of Functional Ecology, he now writes books and journalism on popular science and gardening. In 2016 he was awarded the Royal Horticultural Society’s Veitch Memorial Medal for his contribution to the advancement and improvement of the science and practice of horticulture. Watch Ken Thompson’s webinar (YouTube) on Long-term Experiments & Urban Horticulture: A Missing Link?


Dr Dave Stone, Trustee

Dave is Chief Scientist at the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) where he oversees and shapes research into, and monitoring of, the marine and terrestrial natural environments of the UK, Crown Dependencies and British Overseas Territories. He champions the analysis of long-term datasets to understand environmental change as well as the use of evidence to inform decision-making.


Dr Stewart Clarke MCIEEM, Trustee

Stewart is the National Specialist for Freshwater, Catchments and Estuaries with the National Trust and has worked in nature conservation for almost 20 years. He a member of the Chartered Institute for Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) and a Chartered Ecologist. He has a PhD in freshwater ecology and has previously worked as a national freshwater specialist for Natural England and its predecessor English Nature.


Emeritus Prof Jeff Duckett, Trustee

Jeff is a Research Associate at the Natural History Museum. He has wide-ranging research interests in the biology and evolution of lower land plants. He was the 2008 recipient of the Linnean Medal for Botany and is an honorary member of the British Bryological Society.


Tim Rowland, Fundraising & Finance Manager

Originally trained as a civil engineer, Tim has been a professional fundraiser for 23 years. He worked at Cancer Research UK for 12 years and then at Future Trees Trust, before joining ECT in 2022.


Ciara Dwyer, Trustee

Ciara is a plant ecologist at Lund University, Sweden. She is interested in understanding how plant communities vary over spatial and temporal scales, and is a co-PI for the Ainsdale Dune Slacks long-term experiment (with Jonathan Millett). Ciara acts as ECT’s liaison with the British Ecological Society, of which she is also currently a trustee.

Our Funders

We are grateful to these funders past and present for supporting our work:

The British Ecological Society, The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, Natural England, The Patsy Wood Trust, The Britford Bridge Trust and individual donors.