Bamford Edge Bibliography

Ghorbani, J., Cox, E.S., Alday, J.G., Santana V.M., Lee, H., McAllister, H.A., Pakeman, R.J., Le Duc, M.G., Marrs, R.H. (2025) What happens when you turn weed management off? A long-term appraisal of the effectiveness of Pteridium aquilinum (L.) kuhn control treatments and the role of sheep grazing. Journal of Environmental Management 374, 124111 [Available online at:]

Alday, J.G., Cox, E.S., Santana, V.M., Lee, H., Ghorbani, J., Milligan, G., McAllister, H.A., Le Duc, M.G. and Marrs, R.H (2023). Recovery of upland acid grasslands after successful Pteridium aquilinum control: Long-term effectiveness of cutting, repeated herbicide treatment and bruising. Journal of Environmental Management 342, 118273. [Available online at:]

Milligan, G., Cox, E.S., Alday, J.G., Santana, V.M., McAllister, H.A., Pakeman, R.J.,  Le Duc M.G. and Marrs, R.H. (2016). The effectiveness of old and new strategies for the long-term control of Pteridium aquilinum, an 8-year test. Weed Research, 56, 247–257. [Available online at:]

Alday, J.G. and Marrs, R.H. (2013), A simple test for alternative states in ecological restoration: the use of principal response curves. Applied Vegetation Science, 17: 302–311. [Available online at:]

Alday, J.G., Cox, E.S., Pakeman, R.J., Harris, M.P.K., Le Duc, M.G., Marrs, R.H. (2013). Effectiveness of Calluna-heathland restoration methods after invasive plant control. Ecological Engineering54, 218-226.

Lee, H., Alday, J.G., Rosenburgh, A., Harris, M., McAllister, H. and Marrs, R.H. (2013), Change in propagule banks during prescribed burning: A tale of two contrasting moorlands. Biological Conservation, 165: 187–197.

Alday, J.G., Cox, E.S., Pakeman, R.J., Harris, M.P.K., Le Duc, M.G., Marrs, R.H. (2012). Overcoming resistance and resilience of an invaded community is necessary for effective restoration: a multi-site bracken study. Journal of Applied Ecology, 50, 156–167.

Cox, E.S., Marrs, R.H., Pakeman, R.J. and Le Duc, M.G. (2008), Factors affecting the restoration of heathland and acid grassland on Pteridium aquilinum-infested land across the UK: a multisite study Restoration Ecology, 16: 553-562. [Available online at:]

Stewart, G.B., Cox, E.S., Le Duc, M.G., Pakeman, R.J., Pullin, A.S. and Marrs, R.H. (2008), Control of Pteridium aquilinum: meta-analysis of a multi-site study in the UK. Annals of Botany, 101: 957-970. [Available online at:]

Cox, E.S. (2007). The implications and effects of bracken (Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn) control on species diversity, re-vegetation and bracken performance. University of Liverpool.

Cox, E.S., Marrs, R.H., Pakeman, R.J. and Le Duc, M.G. (2007), A multi-site assessment of bracken control effectiveness across the UK. Aspects of Applied Biology, 82: 157-164.

Cox, E.S., Marrs, R.H., Pakeman, R.J. and Le Duc, M.G. (2007), A multi-site assessment of the effectiveness of Pteridium aquilinum control in Great Britain. Applied Vegetation Science, 10: 429-440.

Ghorbani, J., Le Duc, M.G., McAllister, H., Pakeman, R.J. and Marrs, R. (2007), Effects of experimental restoration on the diaspore bank of an upland moor degraded by Pteridium aquilinum invasion. Land Degradation & Development, 18: 659-669. [Available online at:]

Ghorbani, J., Le Duc, M.G., McAllister, H.A., Pakeman, R.J. and Marrs, R.H. (2007), Effects of experimental restoration on the propagule bank of an upland moor. Aspects of Applied Biology, 82: 23-30.

Le Duc, M.G., Yang, L. and Marrs, R.H. (2007), A database application for long-term ecological field experiments. Journal of Vegetation Science, 18: 509-516.

Marrs, R.H., Galtressa, Tonga, C. Cox, E.S., Blackbird, S.J., Heyesa, T.J., Pakeman, R.J. and Le Duc, M.G. (2007), Competing conservation goals, biodiversity or ecosystem services: Element losses and species recruitment in a managed moorland–bracken model system. Journal of Environmental Management, 85: 1034–1047. [Available online at:]

Ghorbani, J., McAllister, H.A., Pakeman, R.J. and Marrs, R.H., Le Duc, M.G. (2006), Effects of the litter layer of Pteridium aquilinum on seed dynamics under experimental restoration. Applied Vegetation Science, 9: 127-136.

Tong, C., Le Duc, M.G., Ghorbani, J. and Marrs, R.H. (2006), Linking restoration to the wider landscape; a study of a bracken control experiment within an upland moorland landscape mosaic in the Peak District, UK. Journal of Landscape and Urban Planning, 78: 115-134.

Ghorbani, J. P. (2005). Restoration of bracken-dominated land: the response of propagule banks. University of Liverpool.

Pottier, J., Pakeman, R.J., Le Duc, M.G. and Marrs, R.H. (2005), Validation of a model for predicting Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn production and control across the UK In: Anon, editor. BCPC International Congress – Crop Science & Technology 2005. Alton, Hampshire, UK: British Crop Protection Council; 2005. pp. 987–994.

Le Duc, M.G., Pakeman, R.J., and Marrs, R.H. (2003), Changes in the rhizome system of bracken when subjected to long-term experimental treatment. Journal of Applied Ecology, 40: 508-522.

Le Duc, M.G., Pakeman, R.J. and Marrs, R.H. (2000), The success of techniques for bracken control compared over several years and between experimental sites. Aspects of Applied Biology, 58, 129-136.

Le Duc, M.G., Pakeman, R.J., Putwain, P.D. and Marrs, R.H. (2000), The variable responses of bracken fronds to control treatment in the UK. Annals of Botany, 85B: 37-46.