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ECT Fringe Event at the World Congress of Soil Science 2022

  • SEC Glasgow Glasgow G3 8YW UK (map)


We are hosting a fringe event in Glasgow at the World Congress of Soil Science 2022, a conference organised by the British Society of Soil Science. The fringe event is mainly open to conference delegates, but it is possible for non-Congress attendees to obtain a day pass in order to attend our ECT fringe event.

Taking place over 2 days, the first day (4 August) will feature a series of talks, and on the second day (5 August), there will be a guided tour of the Whim Bog LTE which will be hosted by UKCEH staff Matt Jones and Netty van Dijk. Return coach travel will be provided for the latter from the main entrance of the Glasgow Conference Centre. See our detailed programme further below.

Details on how to register for the conference and to attend can be found on the WCSS website. After registering for the conference, email Ben Sykes to register for the Whim Bog tour which takes place on the morning of 5 August. Up to 30 places are available on a first-come, first-served basis, and a fee of £50 per person is payable to ECT to help offset our costs in providing coach transport for the tour. All tour participants must have booked and paid for their place in advance.



9:00– 9:30     Registration & Coffee/Tea

9:30- 9:35   Welcome – Jerry Tallowin, ECT Chairman

Session 1 – Chair: Jerry Tallowin

 9:35- 9:45   Introduction to the Ecological Continuity Trust, Ben Sykes (ECT Executive Director)

 9:45- 10:15  The Buxton Climate Change Impacts Laboratory [BCCIL], Raj Whitlock, University of Liverpool

 10:15- 10:45 The MOORCO Experiment on Moorland Colonisation by Woodland, Ruth Mitchell, James Hutton Institute

 10:45- 11.15   The North Wyke Farm Platform (NWFP) in Devon, Jerry Tallowin, Rothamsted Research

 11:15- 11:45 The Colt Park Meadows Experiment on Grassland Restoration, Shangshi Liu, University of Manchester

 11:45- 12:15  The BangorDIVERSE Experiment on Deciduous Woodland Diversity, Bid Webb, Bangor University


Session 2 – Chair: Ruth Mitchell, James Hutton Institute

13:15 – 13:25 Using Virtual Reality to Communicate LTE Science, Ben Sykes, ECT Executive Director

13:30 -14:00    Soil Health & Mitigation of Climate Change, Mike Morecroft, Natural England

14:00- 14:30  Soil Health & Food Security Policy, Christine Watson, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC)


Session 3 – Chair: Jonathan Silvertown, University of Edinburgh & ECT Trustee

 15:00-16:00   Q&A Panel Session with Speakers

 16:00- 16:05  Closing Remarks – Jerry Tallowin, ECT Chairman



9:15  Coach departs Glasgow SEC

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to accommodate persons in wheelchairs for the proposed field excursion to Whim Bog experiment. The nature of the site and its purpose first-and-foremost as an outdoor research laboratory make wheelchair access unfeasible. The visit is limited to 30 delegates, who will be guided around Whim Bog by UKCEH staff in three separate groups of 10 delegates.     

10:30 – 11:45  Guided tour of Whim Bog LTE, Scottish Borders

13:00  Coach arrives Glasgow SEC