North Wyke Farm Platform Bibliography

Selected publications are listed below. For a comprehensive list of publications, see:

Marshall, C.A.M., Wade, K., Kendall, I.S., Porcher, H., Poffley, J., Bladon, A.J., Dicks, L.V. and Treweek, J. (2024) England’s statutory biodiversity metric enhances plant, but not bird nor butterfly, biodiversity. Journal of Applied Ecology: 1–14. [Available online at:]

Marshall, C., Wade, K., Kendall, I., Peacock, S., Simkin, J., Bladon, A., Porcher, H., Poffley, J., Treweek, J., and Marrs, R. (2024). Data from: A database of Defra statutory biodiversity metric unit values for terrestrial habitat samples across England, with plant, butterfly and bird species data. Dryad Digital Repository [Available online at:

McAuliffe, G.A., Takahashi, T., Orr, R.J., Harris, P. & Lee, M.R.F. (2018). Distributions of emissions intensity for individual beef cattle reared on pasture-based production systems. Journal of Cleaner Production 171:1672-1680. [Available online at]

Takahashi, T.,  Harris, P., Blackwell, M.S.A., Cardenas, L.M., Collins, A.L., Dungait, J.A.J., Hawkins, J.M.B., Misselbrook, T.H., McAuliffe, G.A., McFadzean, J.N., Murray, P.J., Orr, R.J., Rivero, M.J., Wu, L. & Lee, M.R.F. (2018). Roles of instrumented farm-scale trials in trade-off assessments of pasture-based ruminant production systems. Animal 12(8): 1766-1776. [Available online at]

Orr, R.J., Murray, P.J., Eyles, C.J., Blackwell, M.S.A., Cardenas, L.M., Collins, A.L., Dungait, J.A.J, Goulding, K.W.T., Griffith, B.A., Gurr, S.J., Harris, P., Hawkins, J.M.B., Misselbrook, T.H., Rawlings, C., Shepherd, A., Sint, H., Takahashi, T., Tozer, K.N., Whitmore, A.P., Wu, L. & Lee, M.R.F. (2016). The North Wyke Farm Platform: effect of temperate grassland farming systems on soil moisture contents, runoff and associated water quality dynamics. European Journal of Soil Science 67(4):374-385. [Available online at doi: 10.1111/ejss.12350]