North Wyke Rowden Plots Bibliography
Marshall, C.A.M., Wade, K., Kendall, I.S., Porcher, H., Poffley, J., Bladon, A.J., Dicks, L.V. and Treweek, J. (2024) England’s statutory biodiversity metric enhances plant, but not bird nor butterfly, biodiversity. Journal of Applied Ecology: 1–14. [Available online at:]
Marshall, C., Wade, K., Kendall, I., Peacock, S., Simkin, J., Bladon, A., Porcher, H., Poffley, J., Treweek, J., and Marrs, R. (2024). Data from: A database of Defra statutory biodiversity metric unit values for terrestrial habitat samples across England, with plant, butterfly and bird species data. Dryad Digital Repository [Available online at:
Blackwell, S.A., Jarvis, S.C., Wilkins, R.J., Beaumont, D.A., Cardenas, L.M., Chadwick, D.R., Collins, A.L., Dungait, J.A.J., Gill, M.J., Hopkins, A., Lee, M.R.F., Misselbrook, T.H., Murray, P.J. & Tallowin, J.R.B. (2018). The Importance of sustained grassland and environmental research: a case study from North Wyke Research Station, UK, 1982 -2017. Advances in Agronomy 149: 161–235. [Available online at:]
Menezes-Blackburn, D., Giles, C., Darch, T., George, T.S., Blackwell, M.S.A., Stutter, M.I. et al (2017). Opportunities for mobilising recalcitrant phosphorus from agricultural soils: a review. Plant and Soil 427(1-2): 5-16. [Available online at:]
Auffret, M.D., Karhu, K., Khachane, A., Dungait, J.A.J., Fraser, F., Hopkins, D.W. et al (2016) The role of microbial community composition in controlling soil respiration responses to temperature. PLoS One 11(10): e0165448. [Available online at:]
Rennie, S. & Sherin, L. (2016). UK Environmental Change Network—Terrestrial Sites. Database documentation. Accessed 25 June 2017.
Stutter, M.I., Shand, C.A., George, T.S., Blackwell, M.S.A., Dixon, E.R., Bol, R. et al (2015) Land use and soil factors affecting accumulation of phosphorus species in temperate soils. Geoderma 257-258: 29–39. [Available online at:]
Karhu, K., Auffret, M.D., Dungait, J.A.J., Hopkins, D.W., Prosser, J.I., Singh, B.K. et al (2014) Temperature sensitivity of soil respiration rates enhanced by microbial community response. Nature 513(7516): 81–84. [Available online at:]
Weijers, J.W.H., Bernhardt, B., Peterse, F., Werne, J.P., Dungait, J.A.J., Schouten, S. et al (2011) Absence of seasonal patterns in MBT-CBT indices in mid-latitude soils. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75: 3179–3190. [Available online at:]
Holtham, D.A.L., Matthews, G.P. & Scholefield, D. (2007) Measurement and simulation of void structure and hydraulic changes caused by root-induced soil structuring under white clover compared to ryegrass. Geoderma 142(1-2): 142–151. [Available online at:]
Williams, A.J., Dowd, J.F., Scholefield, D., Holden, N.M. & Deeks, L.K. (2003). Preferential flow variability in a well-structured soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal 67: 1272–1281. [Available online at:]
McTiernan, K.B., Jarvis, S.C., Scholefield, D. & Hayes, M.H.B. (2001) Dissolved organic carbon losses from grazed grasslands. In: Rees, R.M., Ball, B.C., Campbell, C.D. & Watson, C.A. (Eds.), Sustainable Management of Soil Organic Matter. Proceedings 27th Meeting of British Society of Soil Science, Edinburgh, September 1999. CAB International, Wallingford, pp 264–273.
Shepherd, M.A., Hatch, D.J., Jarvis, S.C. & Bhogal, A. (2001) Nitrate leaching from reseeded pasture. Soil Use and Management 17(2): 97–105. [Available online at:]
Bhogal, A., Murphy, D.V., Fortune, S., Shepherd, M.A., Hatch, D.J., Jarvis, S.C. et al (2000) Distribution of nitrogen pools in the soil profile of undisturbed and reseeded grasslands. Biology and Fertility of Soils 30(4): 356–362. [Available online at:]
Laws, J. A., Pain, B.F., Jarvis, S.C. & Scholefield, D. (2000) Comparison of grassland management systems for beef cattle using self-contained farmlets: effects of contrasting nitrogen inputs and management strategies on nitrogen budgets, and herbage and animal production. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 80(3): 243-254. [Available online at:]
Patra, A.K., Jarvis, S.C. & Hatch, D.J. (1999) Nitrogen mineralisation in soil layers, soil particles and macro-organic matter under grassland. Biology and Fertility of Soils 29(1): 38–45. [Available online at:]
Haygarth, P.M., Hepworth, L. & Jarvis, S.C. (1998) Forms of phosphorus transfer in hydrological pathways from soil under grazed grassland. European Journal of Soil Science 49(1): 65–72. [Available online at:]
Haygarth, P.M. & Jarvis, S.C. (1997) Soil-derived phosphorus in surface run-off from grazed grassland lysimeters. Water Research 31(1): 140–148. [Available online at:]
Tyson, K.C., Scholefield, D., Jarvis, S.C. & Stone, A.C. (1997) A comparison of animal output and nitrogen leaching losses recorded from drained fertilised grass and grass/clover pasture. Journal of Agricultural Science 129(3): 315–323. [Available online at:]
Hawkins, J.M.B. & Scholefield, D. (1996) Molybdate-reactive phosphorus losses in surface and drainage waters from permanent grassland. Journal of Environmental Quality 25(4): 727–732. [Available online at:]
Scholefield, D., Lord, E.I., Rodda, H.J.E. & Webb, B.W. (1996) Estimating peak nitrate concentrations from annual nitrate loads. Journal of Hydrology 186(1-4): 355–373. [Available online at:]
Sykes, J.M., & Lane, A.M.J. (1996). The UK Environmental Change Network: Protocols for Standard Measurements at Terrestrial Sites. The Stationery Office, London. ISBN: 0-11-702197-0.
Lovell, R.D., Jarvis, S.C. & Bardgett, R.D. (1995) Soil microbial biomass and activity in long-term grassland: effects of management changes. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 27(7): 969–975. [Available online at:]
Scholefield, D., Tyson, K.C., Garwood, E.A., Armstrong, A.C., Hawkins, J.M.B. & Stone, A.C. (1993) Nitrate leaching from grazed grassland lysimeters: effects of fertiliser input, field drainage, age of sward and patterns of weather. European Journal of Soil Science 44(4): 601–613. [Available online at:]
Tyson, K.C., Hawkins, J.M.B. & Stone, A.C. (1993) Final Report on the AFRC-ADAS Drainage Experiment 1982-1993.
Tyson, K.C., Garwood, E.A., Armstrong, A.C. & Scholefield, D. (1992) Effects of field drainage on the growth of herbage and the liveweight gain of grazing beef cattle. Grass and Forage Science 47(3): 290–301. [Available online at:]
Harrod, T. (1981) Survey of Rowden Soils.