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Crop rotation is environmentally sustainable


Increase in crop quality



Phase 1 Experimental Design Table (enlarge to view)


The Tulloch Rotational Trial experiment aims to investigate how legumes (seeds, beans, pulses) can affect productivity when grown in a crop rotation.

The rotations are managed organically removing the need for synthetic fertilisers which leads to nutrient run-off and adversely affects ecosystems. By understanding how legumes affect production and provide environmental benefits, this experiment helps to identify and ultimately encourage the adoption of a sustainable farming system.

Experiment start date: 1991                                       

Habitat type: Grassland

Experiment type: Nutrients

Site manager: Robin Walker, SRUC

Site owner: Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC)

Site size: 20,000 m₂

Experiment conducted by: Christine Watson, SRUC

Experiment goal: To understand how legumes can best support livestock and crop production, while also delivering ecosystem services.

Stakeholders: Soil Association, Scottish Government

Additional links: Global Long-Term Agricultural Experiment Network (GLTEN): Tulloch Entry


The public is not permitted to visit. For researchers…


About the experiment

  • Prior to the agro-ecological experiment, Tulloch (which is North of Aberdeen) was used as a commercial farm. The pressures facing the agriculture industry mean that famers need to provide crops with high yields and nutritional value while balancing sustainability and economic viability.

    When legumes (seeds, beans, pulses) are grown in a crop rotation with grass clover ley (where grassland and legumes are grown together), there are benefits: Legumes fix nitrogen and leave it in the soil to be used by the crop, and it improves biodiversity for pollinators and microbes. Additionally, the (grass clover) ley allows for herbage to be used for grazing and silage, it increases soil organic matter, improves soil structure, and adds nitrogen. This ability to fix nitrogen eliminates the need for synthetic fertilisers and plays a key role in organic agriculture, and its adoption.

    This experiment studies how legumes can best be used in a crop rotation to increase crop and livestock quality and yield, while also ensuring the sustainability and financial viability of the system.

  • Phase 1 (1991-2006)

    Two rotations of different grass ley durations (T4 and T3) were set up with 6 plots. Both of which had 2 replicates. Each of the 6 plots started at a different phase in the following crop rotation sequence:  

    G1-4: Grass and white clover

    O1: Spring oats (Avena sativa)

    O2: Spring oats undersown with grass and white clover, and swedes (Brassica napus L.)

    S: Spring oats undersown with grass and white clover, and potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.)

    For example, because the T4 rotation was 4 years its grass ley phase is G1-4, which is then followed by the O1 phase. The T3 rotation is 3 years in the grass ley phase G1-3, which is then followed by O1, then S and O2. See Phase 1 Experimental Design Table which can enlarged.

    The two rotations also have differing proportions of grass ley to crops:

    T3 - 50% grass ley and 50% crop

    T4 - 68% grass ley and 32% crop

    On top of that, sheep grazing, cutting management and cattle manure was applied. Data was collected from the 1995 onwards.  

    Phase 2 (2007-2021)

    For the T4 rotations, in the G1-4 phases, ryegrass and red clover were undersown instead. Additional crops were grown in the ‘S’ phase; faba beans, wheat and barley. The grazing sheep were removed.

    There was a break in 2022, and phase 3 began in 2023.

  • Phase 1: The duration of the grass ley phase only affects the crop/ grain quality, but not the yield.

    To make crop rotation economically viable, it is important to identify the optimal duration of the grass ley phase to maximise crop yield and quality. Previous studies have given inconsistent results between 2-10 years. For some studies, no optimal duration has been identified. Watson et al. (2011) collected data on grain yield, grain quality (as measured by nitrogen %), and nitrogen offtake from 1995. They found that while average grain yield between the T3 (3-year rotation) and T4 (4-year rotation) showed no difference, the grain quality was higher in T4 than in T3.

    Phase 1: Using legumes in a crop rotation is environmentally sustainable

    The sustainability of crop rotations as indicated by soil fertility, crop yield and weed coverage has a huge impact on the adoption of crop rotation. Taylor et al. (2006) compared the sustainability of the rotations: They measured the crop yield, weed coverage, and looked at the soil fertility by analysing its phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and organic matter content.

    They found that oat crop yields were higher if grown after the first G1- G4 cycle in the sequence ley phase, than if they were grown later after successive cycles of the sequence in the rotation. They also found T4 had a slightly higher yield than T3 if they were grown later in the rotation. But the difference was not significant. Despite an increase in early summer weed in the crops, it did not affect the crop yields, and the minor changes in soil P, K and organic matter indicated that soil fertility was not a problem. Overall, Taylor et al discovered that both crop rotations (T3 and T4) were sustainable.

    Phase 2: Using legumes in a crop rotation provide some benefit but there is room for improvement.

    Because different nutrient management approaches affect the nutritional value of food (the protein, starch, fats, sugar, nitrogen, P and K content), Willoughby et al. (2022) wanted to compare this value between several approaches: Synthetic fertilisers, organic amendments, incorporating crop residues and legumes in a crop rotation. They also included livestock.

    They found that the legumes in a crop rotation without livestock produced more protein, sugar and starch than a rotation with livestock. When compared with the synthetic fertilised rotation, the legume rotation had lower levels of K and P. This indicates that K and P are not being taken up by the crop, and represent soil fertility decrease and economic loss.

    Ultimately, despite benefits in using legumes in a crop rotation, improvements are required.

  • Professor Christine Watson

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