Latest ECT webinar recording on YouTube

Latest ECT webinar recording on YouTube

Access a recording of our most recent webinar (7 October) featuring Richard Bardgett, Professor of Ecology at the University of Manchester, speaking about the Colt Park Meadows long-term grassland restoration experiment in the Yorkshire Dales. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to receive notifications of new webinar recordings, posted every two months.

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Upcoming ECT webinar

Upcoming ECT webinar

ECT’s next two-monthly webinar is scheduled for 7 October 2022 and will feature guest speaker Richard Bardgett from the University of Manchester. Richard will be speaking about the long-term grassland restoration experiment at Colt Park Meadows in the Yorkshire Dales, followed by our usual moderated Q&A with participants. For further details and to register, access our ‘Webinars’ page.

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Colt Park Meadows LTE Joins ECT Network

Colt Park Meadows LTE Joins ECT Network

ECT has registered the Colt Park Meadows long-term upland grassland restoration experiment in North Yorkshire in its national network of active LTEs. Running for 31 years, Colt Park was set up by Roger Smith from Newcastle University as a nutrient addition/grazing study, and is now led by PI Richard Bardgett from the University of Manchester. Pending a new webpage for this LTE, you can read more on the Soil and Ecosystem Lab page, University of Manchester. Wider information about all the sites in our network is available on our ‘Sites’ page.

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