

FRAncine hughes



Effects of previous land-use

Potential for using soil seedbanks for restoration


Grazing and hydrological management for effective restoration


Wicken Fen map (enlarge to view)


Located in Cambridgeshire, the Wider Wicken Vision is a re-wilding project that currently covers around 500 hectares and is adjacent to Wicken Fen National Nature Reserve (NNR).

The Wider Wicken Vision land was previously used for intensive arable agriculture which damaged the peat soil. Current restoration work will allow for naturally regenerating wetland, grassland and scrub to develop at the Wider Wicken Vision.

This experiment was set up in a small area within the Wider Wicken Vision to better understand the effect of the grazing system on the developing vegetation. This landscape-scale experiment is part of a long-term monitoring programme at Wicken Fen.

Experiment start date: 2007                                      

Habitat type: Floodplain grassland scrub

Experiment type: Grazing

Site managers: Emma Ormond-Bones, Alan Kell & John Hughes

Site owner: National Trust

Site size: 119 hectares

Experiment conducted by: Francine Hughes (formerly Anglia Ruskin University), and Joseph Bailey

Experiment goal: To investigate the long-term impact of extensive, year-round, cattle and horse grazing on vegetation that has regenerated naturally on degraded peat soils, following the cessation of arable agriculture.

Additional links: National Trust Wicken Fen NNR, Wicken Fen Vision (European Rewilding Network)



Wicken Fen can be visited. There are several walking trails and a cycling route, and it is family friendly. National Trust members can gain free entry. For more information about the fen, visiting and facilities nearby, see Wicken Fen NNR.


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